kisah seram hostel

Not many people know this story because it was probably one of the scariest moments that I have had. Ghosts generally don't scare me, they may make me jump from time to time but they don't really scare me. This one did, although I'm not sure it was a ghost in the strictest sense of the word.

I thought I'd share this story for a number of reasons, 1) its Halloween this week and everyone likes a good ghost story, 2) just to show you I wasn't always so together when it comes to spooky stuff and 3)to get your thoughts on it, and whether you have had any similar experiences (because I know one or two people who have).

As I start to write this I'm aware that in the re-telling it will probably lose some impact and you'll wonder why I was so affected by it, but I guess you had to be there!

I was about 7 or 8 years old and it was bedtime. It was one of those summer evenings when you're a kid where you go to bed and it's still light outside. The room wasn't that dark and light was seeping in through the curtains giving my warm a room a lovely glow - not your typical scary movie scene I know!

I was falling asleep, (I may even have been asleep) and was disturbed by something, a feeling or a sound maybe that I don't recall. I had an uneasiness that churned in my stomach. I felt that someone was watching me and I wanted to open my eyes and peek but... I really didn't want to see. I pulled the covers over my head (because at 7 that offers the ultimate protection right?) Then cautiously lowered them again uncovering my eyes.

The memory still gives me goosebumps to this day. Very clear and standing at the end of my bed in a long coat and a brimmed hat was a man. I froze, staring directly at him. I knew he wasn't real, he had no features, despite the warm glow of early evening summer light he was feature-less, he was a shadow, but seemed so dense, a solid dark kisah seram hostel shadow that just stared from eyes I couldn't even see. A black shape.

I knew, even at that age (because I'd already seen a few spirits by then), that I should tell him to leave. In my mind I willed him to go, he didn't. Quietly I whispered saying that he was scaring me and I wanted him to leave, he stayed and stared from that feature-less black face. Summoning all my energy and courage (now with my covers jammed right over my head) I screamed, more than once for him to go. I know that he was still there. He stayed and stared right up to the moment my mum came rushing through the door to find out what was going on.

This is the only thing I've seen that has stayed with me and continued to freak me out even after all these years. Not helped by the fact that I know a few people who have seen a similar sight in other locations, some in broad daylight, some in the pitch black.

Can you relate to this? Have you seen the shadowman in the hat?

Helen Leathers is a lifelong intuitive, clairvoyant and medium, some would say psychic. Helen prefers the term 'a naturally modern mystic'. Helen teaches, inspires and encourages spiritual growth, personal and psychic development. She grew up surrounded by active spirits and has helped may people deal with their gifts and move unwanted spirits from their homes.

Helen draws on her natural and intuitive abilities along with many years of research and personal development to produce books, products and programs to help you, whether you're just a little curious, an absolute beginner or have been involved in spiritual and psychic development for some time.

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